martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

Antares y Ophiucus

Pluto plays a significant role in this lunar month's theme. Pluto ensures Soul Integrity prevails: Pluto will destruct personality alliances and personality driven motivations to ensure soul's mission is attained, even at the cost of the personality life. This implies a need for letting go. The nature of the alliances destructed is a function of the location of Pluto in the astrological chart. Pluto is independent, individual, autonomous, the revolutionist, and the extremist. Pluto is of isolation and aloneness. Pluto fears not battle, war, or death. Pluto is also where, generationally, unacceptability occurs, where the antiquated must be destroyed--in the genetic / cellular patterns carried in ourselves and so in those expressed in the world. Pluto works at a cellular and primordial level, with pre-birth and past lifetime issues. Pluto can invoke cellular level stored fear regarding death, transmutation, and survival issues; as well as all early childhood programming. Pluto is an "opener" and a "deprogrammer" that provides doorways for new growth and unfoldment. Pluto-type experiences (those seemingly destructive) when worked with from this perspective can support tremendous spiritual growth.Pluto is actually a dual planet: the Pluto-Charon System, two bodies rotating around a common point (barrycenter), in spin orbit synchronicity. Pluto has an extreme eccentric orbit and an ecliptic (orbital inclination) that is tilted 17.2° with respect to Earth's--partly why it cuts through the incarnational issues. Its rotational tilt is ~122°. The diameters of Pluto and Charon (not to be confused with Chiron) create a very slow beat frequency--part of its multifaceted astrophysical parameters responsible for undermining cellular patterning.
Ophiuchus lies above and on the ecliptic, standing over the Scorpion, which swings quite south of the ecliptic under the feet of Ophiuchus. Antares, heart of the Scorpion, defines the center of the sidereal sign of Scorpio, the Serpent Point, and embodies the essence of the Scorpio constellation. Antares lies below the ecliptic as well, in the body of the Scorpion. Because Ophiuchus actually crosses the ecliptic, it is the thirteenth ecliptical constellation, but it lies in the sidereal sign of Scorpio.In our stellar image, Ophiuchus stands confidently holding the serpent (Serpentis) coiled around his body. The neck and head of the serpent point toward the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis), which lies above the Chelae (claws) of the Scorpion. In Greek myth, Aesculapius, the mediciner of the ship Argo, is also imaged as Ophiuchus, knowledgeable of advanced healing processes beyond the cycle of life and death. Ophiuchus also articulates the theme embodied by the Christian resurrected Jesus (Jeshu).Ophiuchus is knowledge holder over the raw creative forces governing life and death--one who has attained ascension from the lower-order forces that perpetuate our scenarios of (re-incarnational) entrapment. Ophiuchus is exemplar of one who has mastered the initiatory forces of life and who has brought the interplay of these forces to a greater spiritual fulfillment. The neck (Unukalhai) and head of the snake embody the essence and wisdom of living true to soul, in one's true self-mastery--as a Christed (soul infused) being of light.The astronomical symbol of Ophiuchus is the caduceus--the entwined double serpent upon a staff--the double helix of the DNA. Ophiuchus and the sidereal sign of Scorpio are associated with our education regarding the use of primal creative forces and raw creative power. The entire image of Ophiuchus standing upon the scorpion with this magnificent snake reaching for the North Crown represents claiming our self-mastery to attain evolutionary fulfillment beyond of the karmic-dharmic based reincarnational process of soul growth, the balancing of human experience in the polarity of duality. This is to become ascended in vibration, an illumined being free from perpetuated entrapment--literally the illumination of the double-banned lattice of the DNA (the urn of the soul) into the one radiant spiral of light. This is to live in a unified awareness beyond the entrapments inherent to a limited perception of a dualistic world. Our New Moon lies along the right leg of Ophiuchus, which stands over the sting of the Scorpion. Further below is Ara, Altar of the Centaur. On the low altar, the Centaur places Lupus the Beast (our lower-order personality-based patterns of self-importance, and associated emotional baggage) with conscious deliberation to be consumed in the Centaur's transmutational pyre. Venom from Lesath, the sting of the Scorpion, dripping on the altar, provides the required transmutational elixir--the often harsh but required lessons incurred while incarnate.Conjoining the New Moon is the Ara Black Hole (V821) catalyzing the Ara Initiation, a process that demands we release all guilt, grief, judgment, fear, anger, and pain associated with our experiential past. Only from this mature and humble act can we claim the wisdom available from our entire incarnational experience and step into our evolutionary fulfillment and live our greater truths. If we do not, we continue to burn in the alchemical process. Here lies our New Moon-Pluto theme . This is also a part of the current Pluto 367-day synodic , which began in May of 2004.As with all black holes, Ara's V821 black hole provides us the opportunity to relinquish a lesser aspect of self for a greater, but requires an act that is all or nothing, with no in-between, a feat we must do within our selves. V821 opens a transmutational portal where the entire holographic record of soul's historical incarnational journey can transmute provided we are willing to learn of and embrace the transmutational process. The Ara black hole reveals the need to create a proper environment or space for advanced healing processes and procedures, where environmental and biological forces can properly amalgamate for the transmutation of elements to occur.The secret of healing is revealed in the all or nothing nature of the V821 black hole. To allow this level of transmutation requires total surrender of the tension held within our cellular structure, that is, to consciously embrace in unconditional love, in total non-judgmental acceptance, all emotion we hold within that has been created from suppressed (denied) experience. E-motion is the result of the unwillingness to allow the motion of experience to pass through us. Thus the suppressed emotion from denying (resisting the motion of) experience molds our cellular patterning. To relinquish this lower-order mold or form is the essence conveyed by the mythical image of the Centaur placing Lupus upon the altar. This is the key that frees the cellular patterning that perpetuates repetitive experience, emotional discord, and degenerative disease, to allow a transmutation of elements to occur. Learning to unconditionally embrace all experience in love as our normal mode of living precedes illumination of the molecular structure of the DNA into one radiant spiral of light. The bio-illumined mode of the DNA allows us to live in unified awareness--beyond making duality-based judgments, which is common to the bio-logical mode of the unillumined DNA.Simply, this initiatory process requires we surrender our lower-order mental-emotional patterns with conscious deliberation, to let them be consumed and extinguished, and to then re-emerge with the purity we have gained from the transmutational process in a new demonstrable expression. Expanding on the ThemeThe hours before the Crescent Moon provides a time when we relinquish patterns of the past that would limit our creative ability to expand on the theme now unfolding. The crescent moon is the time when the sprouting seedling sloughs off its protective coat of the past, and emerges in its new expression. As the Crescent Moon unfolds, the growing phase of the lunar cycle begins and we start to amalgamate our personal creativity with the original lunar theme.

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